Sunday, July 5, 2009

turn the beat around...

It's impressive how one event can create a snowball effect of change. For me, the event in question was this job I was charging after for the last three weeks. This job was like my last chance saloon - a now-or-never situation. If this job didn't pan out, it meant that Josh and I were bound for another 12 months of living in a bad apartment in a crime-ridden neighborhood; I would continue struggling to find work and likely find something that wouldn't make me happy. At the ripe-old age of 26, I was feeling like I hadn't met any of my personal/life goals.

But. Thursday I got the call...and now I am gainfully employed with an open adoption agency not 5 miles away from my apartment. Because of this achievement, Josh and I are now proud lessees of a gorgeous new apartment in a quiet area of town, in a gated community safe from crime and inconsiderate neighbors. I get to be one of the lucky ones, where I don't have to worry about money or safety or comfort. Now that I don't have those things to worry about, I get to move forward with my life. I get to use my education, skills, and intellect to do a job I will love; I will get to make plans to pursue a Master's level degree, save money for a house, and think about one day letting Josh make an honest woman out of me. These are my goals, ones that I couldn't even consider thinking about until my own life was straightened out first.

I get to be proud of who I am, what I do, and where I live. Pride can be a good thing sometimes I think, because it evokes the ability to build self-esteem without narcissism, to learn the lessons that need to be learned, and have the strength to pursue a fulfilled life.

I start tomorrow at this new job...the first step in the beginning of my career. I can't wait.

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