Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh the happy life...

Well I am almost 2 months into my new job, nearly 2 weeks into my new apartment, and what a whirlwind it's been since July 1st!

It seems so far ago that I was unemployed, miserable, and lacking in proper sleep due to my inconsiderate neighbors and hostile living environment. All in the matter of one weekend did everything fall into place, between getting my dream job and my dream apartment! Shit like that never happens to me.

And yet...here I am. Living the charmed life. Though in my experience, the good stuff lasts only a short while before the other shoe drops. But this time it feels different somehow. Lasting. Sturdy enough to put both feet down and distribute the weight. I absolutely adore my job, and I feel insanely happy that I get to help fight for GLBT equality in assisting those families become parents in a world that hasn't legally recognized their rights. If I have political leanings at all, you would know me to be gay-friendly and pro-choice...but I've always been more proactive in fighting for gay-rights, and I LOVE that I get to have the kind of job that allows me to be open and actively promoting change.

And my apartment...it's the ideal. People here are....*gasp* neighborly! It's clean, quiet, and considerate. The management here is on top of their shit, and it's a great community. The apartment itself is gorgeous, spacious, and makes me feel more appropriately my age. The last place we lived I felt surrounded by people who acted like they were 21 year olds who had no concept of sharing a wall and felt it appropriate behavior to piss on the sidewalk when their very own toilet was a mere 10 feet away indoors. Nor did I feel safe with the spatters of blood across the stairwell landing and constant visits from city police patrolling the parking lot.

So...life has settled down for this city-gal. Life is back on track, and I can feel comfortable thinking about my future once again.

How divine! The simple pleasure of planning ahead...

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